Auction Items

Greater Cause Auctions is a service platform where for-profit and non-profit organizations can fund-raise for their events.

The legal definition of an auction is a public sale of property to the highest bidder. The underlying purpose of an auction sale is to obtain the best financial returns. Overall, the owner of the auctioned property allows free and fair competition among bidders. Auctions motivate buyers to perform.

An auction is a sales event wherein potential buyers place competitive bids on assets or services either in an open or closed format. Auctions are popular because buyers and sellers believe they will get a good deal buying or selling assets.

 People get caught up in the competitiveness of the bidding and many times this increases item prices. To some it’s like a game, and they want to win at all costs (or hopefully for you, at high costs!).

The difference between Greater Cause Auctions and the others is how we allow organizations to host auctions. We offer a “pay as you need” or subscriptions. Auctions can be held consistent with organizations scheduled activities in an “on demand” method and that tends to fits many non-profits business model. Organizations can setup their own store(s) and/or auctions and manage them at will.

When ready, we deliver a unique QR code directly to you the vendor for inclusion into your advertising. This enables access from any device from anywhere, at anytime.

As a partner, your success is our mission and Greater Cause Auctions will bend over backwards to make that happen.

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